Thursday, 12 April 2012

Coma Pony

"I will compose music until the day I die, then I'll decompose"

Yes, Comrades

You currently find me in the midst of two things: pissing myself laughing, which we'll get to in a bit and composing music. New music. I will compose music until the day I die, then I'll decompose. Ha! On the subject, Simon Fowler's new album Merrymouth. First things first. In fact fuck it, I'll shake it up a bit, can we have first things third please? Thank you very much. The only thing the album's got in common with Ocean Colour Scene is that there's a song from their backcatalogue on it, Over My Head. Never a more English accent was heard than Dan Sealey's - the OCS bassist - on In The Midst Of Summertime and Mr Marshall (this legend's favourite). I'm no good at this reviewing lark, so I'll say this much - Ocean Colour Scene has two sides: the rock, mod and roll of Steve Cradock and the folky, Fairport Conventionesque Simon Fowler stuff. The Kundalini Target (Cradock's first solo outing) shows his side well, Merrymouth shows Simon's well. It's a good album, can listen a fair bit without getting bored and it's really interesting seeing what one side of OCS is like without the other and how it all comes together to make one of the best rock and roll/soul/whatever you'd class the fuckers bands out there just now. But aye, as a solo record, it's a very good start. 3 and a half thumbs up of five. Poor fucker whose thumb that is.

Ricky Gervais's new pilot Derek was just on. I didn't watch it, just heard Ludovico Einaudi's Nuvole Bianche playing in the background (not a classical music woofie, don't get me wrong. Just happen to know that piece) and my God, what a panning it's getting. Disappointing shit. One thing's interesting to note la: the K man, KP, Pilkie, Little Pilkers, Head Like A Fucking Orange Karl Pilkington is exactly the same character as he is in the podcasts, An Idiot Abroad an' that (as he'd say). I wonder...

Never in the entire history of this blog have I had so little to say. Heard today they have made my childhood dreams come true. I mean, they fucking smashed them already, but they've put them back together after so many years. You can now buy Creme Eggs the size of Easter eggs. That fateful day I took my first gleeful bite into the Creme Egg expecting to be spunked on by...whatever's in those things, the goo as they evasively call it, upon my discovery I became like the egg: hollow. Eaten out. Empty. Nothing but a case of chocolate with fuck all in it but more chocolate, maybe a bag of mini Creme Eggs to soften the blow. Well, those traumatic days are over, they now have them! When I asked m'coll where, he said he didn't know. Back to square one to watch ballet where men wear trousers so tight I can work out what religion they are. Yes.

I was going to plug a film called Birdemic here, but I'm not going to, bad case of Cannabearst. Ifunowatamine (medicine). But yes, watch the following if you get a minute. If you look closely, the birds aren't real...

One last thing. Feel free to hurl abuse or questions or whatever you fookin' please here. Answers and satisfaction guaranteed, that's the SD guarantee. Lyrical prowess at its finest.

In a bit.


The following is an excerpt from my Australia Journal 2008-09. I know what reading these entries do to people. Write to me and I'll send you money to say sorry

Friday 26th December 2008

Boxing day=boxsets seemingly. Our Favourite Shop Deluxe and Weller at the BBC. $100 total. Think that's enough music for this holiday. After shopping at Sunflower Music (how very fitting) we passed a black, shark-infested river. Pointless point, but there you go. Met Mark's mates Mimi and Jo. Seem a bit sex-obsessed. Bless them. Spent four hours at a park bench discussing everything from sex to death to urine to NoAces. Denied request to play Wonderwall, sick of playing that bloody tune. Original, new songs would've been better I feel. Not too long til Hogmanay, Christ. It'll be odd. 17 and getting wrenched with 25 year old nobodies (to me at least). Roll on 2009.
"The story's still unfolding and like the river rolling"

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